Open Anthropology: Open Pedagogy, Accessibility, and Decolonization in the Discipline

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Anthropology, Co-Inquiry, and Open Pedagogy As postsecondary institutions evolve towards greater inclusivity, accessibility, and diversity, open educational practices are an opportunity to address flaws in traditional learning design. Co-inquiry has always been central to anthropological research; the discipline’s main methodology of participant-observation positions interlocuters as critical collaborators in our fieldwork. The importance of collaborative knowledge […]

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Control by Design: Examining the Design of Digital Learning Environments

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All designs, be it the design of buildings, the design of tools, or the design of technologies, assume and frequently impose certain expectations on how users will use the building, tool or technology. Designs offer varying degrees of flexibility or control in how they can be used. In the design of digital learning environments, instructors […]

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Designing Open Educational Resources (OER) Using a Paid Platform

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The development/design of Open Educational Resources (OER) requires an intensive and broad array of support, training, and preparation. In this perspective, we will take a closer look at why we decided on a hybrid approach – design an OER course on a paid web-authoring application in a world of freely licensed materials. The Problematic Reality […]

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