Practice Example: Inquiry into Contemporary Issues in Learning Technologies

The following activity was introduced as the second in a series, and used in an Inquiry into Contemporary Issues in Learning Technologies course to continue to pilot the Rethink Learning resource model. Mirroring it’s companion in a previous course, it uses a learning design that focuses on choice and prompts learners to use the perspective framework to respond, reframe or rethink about critical issues related to learning technologies. Students were encouraged to revisit their posts from the previous activity and to make connections to others ideas and reflections.
Background and Blog Posts
Critical inquiry can be applied to all areas of study and research. To practice and extend your skills, this exercise puts you in the position of author and producer of content for a new iteration of an emerging open textbook. You are in a position to develop your own content in extending or reframing either (a) content that other students have contributed earlier or (b) other new content that you are also free to choose from the options listed below. In each of the options from which to choose, including something you find on your own, there are aspects of critical inquiry that you can apply to or from a new setting.
1. Peer writings
Select a contribution by a student from a previous class in the program as published in Managing Change in Digital Learning. You’ll find them in the “Perspectives Framework” section displaying Issues, Role Perspectives, Lenses, and Settings, on the main page. Make sure you credit the author, and include a link to their contribution page when you write your contribution.
2. Excerpt
Indigenization Guide: Indigenous Epistemologies and Pedagogies, in Pulling Together: A Guide for Curriculum Developers, a BCcampus guide. How might you envision placing this brief discussion of concepts such as relationality, sacred and secular, holism, and indigneous pedagogies such as personal and holistic, experiential, place-based and intergenerational, within a frame that speaks to your own issues of interest, roles, lenses or settings? How can you model these concepts as you imagine possible ways to flesh them out in your own practice? As you think about this excerpt you may also explore a variety of the resources to which it links.
3. Critical questions
Critical questions for big data in education, a blog post by Ben Williamson at the University of Edinburgh, touches on a number of significant questions and issues in how data is being envisioned for use in education. How any or all of the points potentially relate to other frames or perspectives? How do they connect to students, teachers, administrators, technologists, and/or others? How might the issues they touch upon affect the fundamental issues of our institutions of learning (whether public, private or other)? Alternatively, use the same approach with his blog post “The evolution of the global education industry during the pandemic.”
4. Rethinking the context of edtech
In this article, Tressie McMillan Cottom writes, “Edtech is not a set of tools; rather, it is a set of practices that further a greater good. Our educational mission is not just to keep students enrolled or even to graduate students. Our larger mutual goal should be to use edtech to address inequalities and truly improve learning outcomes in order to produce the most equitable educational processes that will enable our students to leave our institutions with better economic, social, and cultural opportunities than they had when they arrived.” How might you see this idea extended into different settings and contexts?
Reflect, Respond, Reframe
Read one of the posts provided or find another post or example from your own Read one of the posts provided or find another post or example from your own professional context to consider. Identify some of the main topics that the author addresses (see the list below for some highlights). Be sure to link to the resource and credit the creators.
Now consider one or more of the main topics that were raised in the post and consider how you might extend or reframe it from a different perspective. We have provided a “perspective framework” that outlines four different elements: Issues, settings, lenses, and role perspectives that might help you identify an alternative view.
Choose one or more of the different elements and use those to help shift your thinking or approach your change from a different angle. Create a short post on this page, by choosing one of the main elements, that will then form part of this new iteration of an emerging open textbook. You may use media other than text, such as audio, video, or others.
There are four buttons at the bottom of this page that aligns with the four elements in the framework; choose the one that best matches the main angle of your post. Your post should be 250-400 words or equivalent using other media. Once you posted, view a few others and comment, ask/questions and probe further. Your responses will be collected at the bottom of this page. Remember to add your name to your contribution.
The graphic below depicts some of the ways the different perspectives can be opened up for exploration in your writing.

Elephants Abound
Let’s call out a few elephants in the room by acknowledging some common issues and tensions in the world of online learning. There is merit to each of these, yet also potential conflict between them. Open educational philosophy Corporate, privatized philosophy Limitation of resources Needs Autonomy Efficiency Technological fluency This list could undoubtedly be expanded, [...]Read More...
What is it worth if we don’t complete it?
Hodges (2008) defines academic self-efficacy as “one’s confidence to perform successfully in academic endeavors” (p8). Self-efficacy in learning falls under cognitive constructivism learning theory, which views student motivation as an intrinsic process where students motivate themselves to learn and set their own learning goals (Hodges, 2008). This is highly relevant to MOOCs which are designed [...]Read More...
Issues – Reflection and Indigenous Knowledge
Team 5 and I did a presentation on Podcasts with the theme that everyone has a story and one of the listeners brought forward a very critical question in relation to the documentation and preservation of Indigenous knowledge, from a viewpoint that I may not always consider the importance of. Corie Houldsworth (2022) comment on [...]Read More...
Differences within a shared context: roles, goals, values, and tools
Williamson and Hogan (2020) discussed the growth of edtech, spurred by the need for remote and online learning during the pandemic, and resulting in the increased privatization and commercialization of education. They explored the roles of private, governmental, and commercial organizations in the integration of technical solutions for learning. They highlighted the overarching message of [...]Read More...
Learning Technologist – focusing on learning
Cottom (2019) discussed some of the successes and challenges I encounter working as a Learning Technologist. In my job title, learning is front and center with technology being the secondary modality in which I primarily support learning. A common question we frequently ask within my team is “how will this impact our learners?” Technology use [...]Read More...
Big Data Collection in Education From a Students Perspective
In his blog on big data in education, Williamson (2016) critically examines how big data is being used by posing and answering several critical questions on big data. Williamson (2016) looks at how the claim of using big data to ‘optimize learning’ is underpinned in cognitive neuroscience and behaviorist theories, remarking on the limitations of [...]Read More...
Democratic Implications of the Privatization of Education
Williamson and Hogan’s (2020) examination of the pandemic-related explosion of the edtech industry is both enlightening and alarming. As a K-12 teacher, I can personally attest to the immediate and rapid increase in the use of numerous digital technologies because of the pandemic’s emergent shift to online learning and many shifts from online to in-person [...]Read More...
Avoiding Pan-Indigeneity while Indigenizing Education
Caldwell (2022) highlights that Indigenous epistemologies are multifaceted, spanning geographical boundaries with intricacies specific to people, land, and place. For this reason, it is imperative that pedagogical work is done to avoid a pan-Indigenous lens. In my experience and context, Indigeneity is often discussed as a one-size-fits-all concept, problematizing its conceptualization and by extension its [...]Read More...
Indigenous Epistemologies and Pedagogies Informing Transdisciplinary Approaches in Post-Secondary Film and Television Studies
After reading Indigenization Guide: Indigenous Epistemologies and Pedagogies (Caldwell 2022) I found the Indigenous epistemologies around personal and holistic and experiential reflective of how I wish to practice in my context as a professor in television and film, broadcast journalism and radio broadcasting. One of the academic submission papers I am working on examines learning [...]Read More...
But what about the rich, white, male student?
Now that I have your attention, I can say that I am thankful that he appears to no longer be a driving factor in higher education. I am the parent of a white, male (but not rich) student who will shortly be entering some sort of post-secondary education. The exact form of the rest of [...]Read More...
EdTech in Corporate Learning Settings
Cottom (2019) challenges us to think about some of the issues facing EdTech and provides hopeful aspirations for how we might move forward to create better outcomes and opportunities for students. In my context of corporate learning and development, I feel that we too should be thinking more about how we are and will continue [...]Read More...
Finding meanings, not just apps
As a learning and development (L&D) and HR professional, I have felt into the trap of looking for technological tools or apps to meet a specific need or to engage a group. I researched tool apps (i.e., Kahoot, Mentimeter, Powtoon) over the past couple of years, especially since the start of the pandemic, to engage [...]Read More...